27+ DIY Fire Starters That You Can Make At Home

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Starting a campfire is probably one of the highlights of each camp trip –  that wood smell, the crackling, and  of course all the yummies that come with cooking over it!

Pet hair, makeup pads, cotton balls, road flares (LOL!) people get  pretty creative with their fire starting methods! After all, who doesn’t  love a roaring campfire at the end of the night!

Tinder – Dry moss, dead pine needles, and very small branches. – Kindling – Small sticks no thicker than a pencil. – Logs – These are your bigger pieces of wood. – Lighter

What you need to build a campfire

Toilet paper tube with vaseline and dryer lint

Melt the vaseline by putting some in a pan on low (don’t microwave..  it’s very flammable) and pour onto the stuff toilet paper tube.

These are really good for space saving and just being plan simple!

Cottonballs soaked in vaseline

These are fun to make with the kids, store easy, and if you camp near pines, you can probably find everything you need!

Pinecones covered in wax

Grease fires are common in kitchens for a real reason – grease and fat is pretty darn flammable!

Paper towels soaked in bacon grease

Swipe up for the full guide!