Alternating Breastmilk and Formula + Breastfeeding and Formula Schedule at 9 Months

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Supplementing breastmilk with formula… it’s not as detrimental to your breastfeeding journey as you might imagine!

Breast is best and all that, but at some point if trying to provide milk  for your baby is causing you so much stress that it’s impacting your  relationship with your baby, or your mental health.

Back in the day, there were wet nurses and fresh goat milk. Since  that’s not as socially acceptable in this day and age, we have formula.

While nursing all day was cool with my first, when there’s more than one  kid, and you have two babies, that concept becomes a lot more  difficult!

Corn Syrup Solids Free (Cow’s milk lactose as the only source of carbohydrates instead of adding corn syrup solids)

The best formula for supplementing breast milk

I had heard formula makes them sleep longer because it takes longer  to digest, so I decided that I would give formula bottles before naps and bed time.

My breastfeeding and formula feeding schedule

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