15 Sweet Tips To Go Camping with Kids (And Not Stress About it!)

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Camping with kids can be so amazing – there is just something magical about letting everyone explore, disconnect from your normal life, and enjoy each other!

I’m going to simplify the whole process to you with some of the best tips and tricks to really enjoy camping with your kids (and why it’s worth going… don’t worry, you will end up relaxing!)

Have a kid camp sleep location plan, especially if camping with babies

Many parents co sleep with their kids while camping, but if that is not your norm at home, or you don’t feel comfortable doing that, you definitely need to make some plans ahead of time!

Make a game plan for kid occupying activities during camp set up, chores, and tear down

I have found some simple kid camp activities do pretty well in keeping them busy and happy while we get needed chores done!

Make kids camp meals fun and easy

Our standard camping meals tend to be easy and fun – banana oatmeal pancakes in the morning, pb sandwiches for lunch, and hotdogs for dinner.

There are tons of cool kids camping toys to bring, so keep it all contained in the tent (and out of yours!)

Bring a play tent to contain the toy clutter and provide some shade!

Kids are going to get dirty playing outside, especially if you’re camping for an extended amount of time!

Be realistic – your kids will get dirty

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