16 Valentine Memes That Are So True for New Parents

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

As Valentine’s Day gets nearer, I’ve been seeing exponentially more mushy Valentines shout outs and memes.

It made me want to look for some that appealed to the real, surviving on coffee crowd. I searched google and found.. NOTHING! So I figured I’d make some of my own that I hope ya’ll can relate to.

No joke ladies and gentlemen… not having to pick up the mess at the end  of the day leaves A LOT more energy for other endeavors!

Nobody as long as the baby is refusing to sleep or needing to be held!

No one really wants to do that. In fact, it is often a test of wills and  who needs to use that bottle first. But your partner does it on their  own.. without asking? That’s REAL love.

WHEW nothing to get you feeling romantic and frisky like some extra hours of sleep. Serious brownie points to cash in later!

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