How to Breastfeed Twins EASY with the Best Positions and Nursing Pillows!

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you breastfeed twins with these easy positions and a comfortable nursing pillow, it won’t be as hard as you think!

I’m super excited to share what I’ve learned about nursing my two little ladies! Keep on reading!

I’d get the Twin-Z just because it can be used for a lot of things.

Which pillow is the best pillow for tandem feeding twins?

Yes! Most woman will be able to provide enough milk for their babies. It’s all about supply and demand! Keep pumping or nursing.

Will I be able to make enough milk for my twins?

Before putting any babies on this pillow, adjust for size! Make sure the pillow is snug against your body to prevent babies from rolling into the gap between your body and the pillow.

I do my own position (Not sure if it’s named – Maybe call it Leaning Cow? LOL!) in order to feed both of them.

Swipe up for the full guide!