Pretty DIY Spring Camping Wreath

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

I’m excited to show you guys an amazing tutorial from Raechel Johnson today on how to make this BEAUTIFUL spring camping wreath!

Make your very own, inexpensive spring camping wreath to welcome the  camping season! With pretty pastel colors, this camping wreath will wow  everyone who sees it!

– Deco Mesh (your choice of color) – 2.5inch ribbon you can mix sizes but make sure 1 is 2.5 inches wide with wire – Pipe cleaners that match closely the color of your mesh


Cut your pipe cleaners in half - you will need five per wreath section, so for an 18 inch form, you’ll have 45 pieces.


Place the pipe cleaners like this - coming from the underside of the form and add a drop of hot glue before you give it one twist.


Then continue all the way around the wreath having five pipe cleaners  per section. The hot glue keeps the pipe cleaner from shifting around  when adding the deco mesh.


Add mesh - Once you have all of your pipe cleaners on you can move onto adding the mesh.


How to add the poof to the mesh - You will want approx 10 inches of mesh to create the poof to the next pipe cleaner and each pipe cleaner thereafter.


Swipe up for the full guide!