What Is Boondocking in an RV? Here’s the Complete Guide

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Boondocking is one of the most exciting things you can do in your RV. It does take some extra planning and time, but boondocking spots will get you some of the best views.

Here’s my complete guide to boondocking, everything from what you should plan beforehand, to safety guidelines, boondocking tips and tricks, and all the gear you need to go boondocking.

Boondocking really just means going RV camping where you don’t have any hookups. So, no sewer, water, or electricity.

What is Boondocking in an RV?

Plan exactly how long you want to stay at your site so you can ensure you’re bringing enough food and water (plus a little extra).

How Long You’ll Be Gone

If there’s going to be a lot of snow or rain, or it’s going to be really cold or really hot, boondocking at this time may not be safe.

The Weather Forecast

Make sure you know exactly where you’re going when boondocking. Most apps will give you exact coordinates, so this makes it super simple.

The Exact Location of Your Spot

It’s good to know where your nearest gas station is so that in an emergency, you can leave your site to fill up with gas or get extra food and water.

Closest Amenities

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