25 Amazing Camping Meals for Kids to Take Your Campfire Cooking to the Next Level

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Let’s be realistic, camping with your kids and trying to whip up delicious and easy camping meals without missing out on all the fun, can be pretty much non-existent!

I’ve put together some amazingly fun recipes and all the tips you need to stay well-fed on your next camping trip with the kiddos.

This hearty breakfast can be modified for all your likes and spice levels. It’s super easy to make, the only problem is there are rarely any leftovers.

Mountain Man Breakfast

Yes, these are eerily similar to another famous breakfast sandwich. However, the improvements made by a fella with the last name “Huff” make these a slightly healthier and tastier option.

Egg McHuffins

They are great because they taste good, can be eaten for breakfast or a snack, and can be eaten warm or cold.

Banana and Almond Butter Pancakes

A combination of make-ahead and cook-on-the-way in the most interesting fashion. An ideal time for a make-ahead meal is when you arrive at camp.

Car Engine Breakfast Burrito

This can be an easy breakfast or a fun dinner in the woods, depending on your time of day and who you’re cooking for.

French Toast Panwiches

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