How to DIY RV BlackOut Window Covers for Your RV or Camper

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Make your own DIY RV window blackout covers for cheap with just a few materials!

You can modify this to make it more "blackout" as needed! Keep on reading to learn more.

– Tissue paper, contact paper, or some other thin, see through paper for tracing your window shape onto – Tape – Foam Board – Material enough to cover board – Marker to trace

Materials needed:

Tape your see through paper over your window. Trace the contours of the window. Remember, this is to be placed INSIDE the frame, so trace the inside, not the outside!

Step One

Remove see through paper and tape it to your foam board. Start cutting out the window shape with an exacto knife. Leave a small notch so that it's easy removable!

Step Two

Once cut, make sure it fits by testing it in your window. It's good to fit snug! Bring it in the house to prepare to glue the material to the foam board.

Step Three

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