Mattress Insider’s RV Mattress Review

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you’re looking to upgrade your mattress in your RV but aren’t sure  where to go, then check out my experience with Mattress Insider!

There are certainly some concerns at first – finding the right size  mattress (since they aren’t often standard) and figuring out sheets for a  custom bed were some of ours.

Here are our thoughts regarding price, hassle, and comfort when it came to replacing our old mattress with a new one from Mattress Insider.

While it was scary at first (spending so much $$$ without actually trying it!), getting a bed in a box was a heck of a lot easier than buying it from a store.

Why we chose to order a “bed in a box”

I felt good they had RV specific mattresses and a whole section and help line dedicated to finding the correct size.

Very knowledgeable about the weird RV bed sizes and shapes

Obviously, this is important for health, but an added bonus of no junk is that there’s no gross smell if it sits all day in the heat!

Non toxic / CertiPUR-US Certified

These are an amazing level of quality!

Actually quality and made in America (fast turnaround + high standards)

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