7 Steps to Teaching Your Baby to Love the Outdoors

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you loved hiking or camping before baby, it’s so important to teach your baby to love it too so that you can get back outdoors!

You’ve probably heard the saying “Start them young” in regards to all kinds of stuff – and I think when it comes to creating an outdoor loving kid, it definitely applies!

The ability of our kids to take good naps in the backpack has really enabled us to go on some awesome hikes.

Help them learn to love their carrier

There are TONS of benefits of taking your newborn outside, not to mention, it’s good for you too!

Go outside as often as soon as possible after bringing baby home

Every time I go outside, I try to narrate what’s going on. This good for language development.

As babies get older, engage with them while outside

Once babies hit around a year / walking age, don’t hover too much!

Once babies hit around a year / walking age, don’t hover too much!

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