The BEST Pumping Schedule to Increase Supply

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

You may have heard the term passed around… “Power Pumping” but what is  it? What does a power pump schedule look like? Can power pumping really  help my milk supply?

I’m here to give you the low down. Incorporating this method of pumping helped me provide enough milk for my twins!

Power pumping works by stimulating what a baby does when they are going  through a growth spurt; wanting to nurse ALL the time which sends milk  making signals.

How does power pumping work?

You’ll get many answers on this. Personally, I try to do it 2 or 3 times a day if you have time.

How often do I need to “Power Pump?”

I find it easier to watch a show or something while I’m pumping so I’m not just focused on how much milk I’m getting.

Don’t Stress! You might only get drops near the end of the session… that’s ok!

Remember though… if it hurts, stop! You may be doing it too much, or you may have the wrong size flange.

OW! My nipples are going to fall off!!

Swipe up for the full guide!