RV Sewer Hose Storage Guide | The Best Ways to Keep Your Hoses Clean & Contained

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

So what are the best ways to clean and store your RV sewer hose? A.k.a….the stinky slinky.

Let’s start with some general tips for keeping your hoses clean. Then we’ll move on to 7 RV sewer hose storage ideas.

When emptying your holding tanks, always empty your black tank first  followed by the gray. This lets the gray water flush the RV sewer hose  of any waste.

Black before Gray

You have several options for rinsing your sewer hoses. Using your drinking hose is NOT one of them. Don’t ever do that!

Rinse Your Sewer Hose Between Uses

I spray a little disinfectant on the ends of both hoses and any attachments I may have used. Why not?


In my opinion, this is the ideal solution and it’s worked for me. Repurposing an old storage bin fit my budget of $0 and had a locking lid.

Plastic Storage Bin

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