Top 5 Roadschooling Destinations in the Rockies

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

I will only recommend places that we’ve visited with our kids. We haven’t been everywhere (yet!) so if your favorite place didn’t make the  list, it might be because we haven’t discovered it yet.

There’s still a lot in this region that we haven’t seen and done, but  hopefully sharing our favorite places in the Rocky Mountain region will  help your family discover some new destinations.

The unique geothermal features of Yellowstone make it an ideal place to learn about Earth science.

Yellowstone National Park

The awe-inspiring, job-dropping views also inspire plenty of creative expression.

Glacier National Park

Have you ever wondered what it looks like when archeologists first discover a large area filled with dinosaur bones? Dinosaur National Monument is the place to find out!

Dinosaur National Monument

Bring the Oregon Trail to life by standing in the incredible Guernsey Wagon Ruts, created by thousands of wagons crossing a soft sandstone ridge at the same point.

Guernsey Wagon Ruts

Walk in the footprints of dinosaurs! Literally! Learn about how fossils  form and why these hundreds of dinosaur footprints are still visible today.

Red Fleet Dinosaur Trackway

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