11 Early Pregnancy Symptoms – Heartburn, Cramps and Fever… Oh My!

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you’re actively trying to conceive, you  know the struggle of wondering if every little change in your body is an  early pregnancy symptom!

Early pregnancy symptoms manifest in different ways, so what was a  definite sign for one woman may be normal or not of importance to you!

Some women report that they had a sudden aversion to their favorite alcohol that they drank almost nightly!

Sudden aversion to alcohol

High fevers (100+), body aches, and general feelings of awfulness is just how some women’s body react to the change!

Flu Like Symptoms

The pregnancy hormone hGc makes you have the urge to pee even if you don’t have to!

ALREADY needing to pee all the time!

This is another symptom associated with later pregnancy signs, but some women (including myself) noticed this very early on!

Extreme Sense of Smell

Maybe it’s our brains already thinking about the new change, or maybe it’s just on overdrive creating an new tiny human!


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