15 Proven Tips to Go Camping with Your Newborn… and LOVE It!

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you camped a lot before your baby, you likely are pretty excited to camp with your newborn ASAP… but you might also have some fears of how different it will be, or if it will even be worth it!

Here are the top tips to have an awesome camp trip with your newborn!

It’s always good to have a “trial run” with your newborn – this is mostly to test the waters.

Camp close to home so that it’s not a big deal to run home and grab anything!

I love camping at developed campgrounds with newborns because they often have bathrooms, and fresh water.

Camp at a developed campground so you have access to water and electricity

I found it especially helpful (if you’re just using it around camp) to put a changing pad inside of the baby tent so that it is extra comfy and padded!

Bring a netted baby tent for on the go daytime naps

Not only does it make camp life easier, but it allows you to explore alot more places than just using a stroller would!

Bring a carrier your newborn loves

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