21 Morning Sickness Remedies that 100+ Moms Agree With

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

I’m pretty thankful that I didn’t get morning sickness that bad… but I know plenty of other women who did!

I think, to some extent, everybody is different and particular things  will work for particular people. But if you are really desperate, it’s  worth a shot to go through this list.

These “sea sickness bands” are VERY cheap (let’s just say they are considered an “add on item” on Amazon.

Motion sickness bands


This could include candies or essential oils! If you are using the oil,  it is recommended to apply it to the tongue, temples, and wrists!

Have something bland next to your bed (such as Cheerios) so that you can eat as soon as you wake up.

Make sure to never let yourself get hungry

Cut up and used in water. One mom said she licked them!


It sounds weird, but a nurse in the ER told a mom this and it worked!

Smelling rubbing alcohol

Swipe up for the full guide!