Fun and Easy Egg Carton Tulip Kids Easter Craft

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

This easy egg carton tulip just needs 3 items, and is a fun, creative  way for toddlers to get excited for one of the first flowers of spring!

This spring craft can be as easy or advanced as you like - for this tutorial, we will simply be painting them!

– Egg Carton (Paper paints easier, but the styro foam is OK too) – Paint – Pipe Cleaner for Stem – Optional decor for middle of flower


Remove one section of the egg carton. Let your toddler (or yourself) paint as they like. It's easier to paint the inside then the outside.


Once it dries, poke a hole in the bottom and  thread the pipe cleaner through. Feel free to put a pretty bead or  button in the middle!


Make as many tulips as you like - a bunch of five is cute, and could be a fun gift for mom even!


Swipe up for the full guide!