Easy and Fun GLOWING Campfire Craft (Paper Free Upcyle They’ll Love!)

With winter here, you bet I’m already summer dreaming – which led me to make this campfire craft!

There are plenty of opportunities for bonfires of course during winter, but it’s just not the same vibe as a campfire..

And this past camping season, my son REALLY enjoyed camping and helping to make them – everything from gathering the kindling, helping to carry the wood we brought, and of course telling stories around it!

I really wanted to do some sort of “camping night” at our house once a month to break up winter a bit… but it had to glow!

Related: Another camping craft for kids that is equally awesome and glowing – a fun and easy glowing camp lantern!

I came across these cute flickering electric lights when I was doing some Halloween crafts, and thought they’d make a perfect campfire!

So I scraped together some stuff that was around me, got some paint, and went to work to create this camping magic!

This kids camping craft is perfect for home or a camping themed party at school! Kids will love this easy camping craft, especially when they see it flicker and glow!

Materials needed to create a glowing campfire!

  • Plastic clear container with hollow bottom – something not too big, and preferably that is sort of tall or has texture (this helps the “flames” look more real!) I really love those cherry tomato tops that are dome shaped, but you could also just cut the top half off of a water bottle!
  • Flickering electric tea light – You can find these at most craft stores, or if you prefer to stay home here they are on Amazon! Make sure to get the short ones, and having an orange tint (like the ones I linked) make it even more flame like!
  • Orange and Yellow Paint + Brush – Painting on flames and having the light shine through looks awesome!
  • EXTRAS I liked getting some rocks from outside to act as a fire ring, as well as some twigs, cotton balls and cardboard for s’mores!

Directions to making your own campfire craft!

You don’t have to be an artist to make a campfire painting on your container – just putting alternating colors of reds, oranges and yellows is fine! Obviously the older the kids, the cooler this can look!

  1. Prep your plastic clear container

    If you have a water bottle, cut off the top half and remove the screw top. If you have a cherry tomato container, peel off any stickers!

  2. Paint on your flames!

    I started out by making flame outlines with yellow, then while it was still wet, adding in the red and sort of filling the flame in while mixing it together. But, to be honest, if you just squiggle lines of flame colors, I think everyone will get what you’re trying to do!

  3. Set the “campfire” over your electric tea light candle, and let the camp magic happens! Make a fire ring by putting rocks around the edges of the container to make it even more real!

    I do think that the rocks are the icing on the cake – if you don’t have any rocks near you check out a craft store or just buy some online here

Done! Don’t forget to pin this for your next camping themed party, and check out these other camping crafts!

Camping Crafts

Here are some other camping activities you'll love to do with your kids!

1 thought on “Easy and Fun GLOWING Campfire Craft (Paper Free Upcyle They’ll Love!)”

  1. Craft activities like these are perfect for helping kids to explore and enhance their creative side. Thanks for sharing these ideas, they seem very fun for kids!


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