Kids Easter Crafts that are Cheap and Easy!

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

These fun Easter crafts are perfect for a budget friendly celebration with the kids!

From up cycling things around the house to going outside in nature, most  of these non religious Easter craft ideas are cheap or free!

This fun and easy Easter Egg  Roll game lets kids "feed" the Easter Bunny their Easter Eggs! Repurpose  all those plastic eggs they got and turn them into a game!

Easter Egg Roll Game!

This is fun, unique take on your traditional "Easter Egg Hunt" that  little kids will love! Lisa Frank made the "Scratch It!" activity  popular.

Scratch and Reveal Easter Hunt Craft

Just find some fun fabric, sew them into Easter Eggs, and let the kids try and land them into their Easter baskets!

DIY Easter Egg Bean Bag Toss Game

This easy egg carton tulip just needs 3 items, and is a fun, creative  way for toddlers to get excited for one of the first flowers of spring!

Egg Carton Tulip for Toddlers

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