9 Tips to Improve Your RV Listing

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

If you’ve ever worked your tail off all day, taken the pictures, then finally listed your camper on Facebook or some other site only to get crickets, then these quick fixes are for you!

This is a mixture of both cheap fixes (most under $10) and simple picture taking tips that will make your listing look better for both selling and renting your camper.

Take the time to wipe off smudges, scrub where needed, and touch up paint if possible!

Make any brights, brighter (including walls, sinks, faucets etc)

Most campers have some type of dark wood element, and it’s no secret that it’s thin as heck and scratches SUPER easy!

Touch up the wood elements

I do recommend adding some accents if possible – a beautiful plant on the table and some complimentary colored bedding can really go far!

Keep staging decorations minimal

Being open about issues with your camper, WITHOUT being asked, seriously boosts people trust in you and in the value of your camper.

Own any mistakes/mess ups by being upfront in the listing

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