What Size Dry Bags Are Best for Kayaking and Kayak Camping?

The Crazy Outdoor Mama

Kayaking is all fun and games until something gets wet that shouldn’t  have. So get yourself some dry bags so you can just stick to the fun and  games!

In this quick read, you’ll get everything you need to know to choose the right size dry bags for kayaking!

Your Kayak

If you’re going kayak camping with a sit-on-top kayak that has large open storage spaces, then you can afford to use larger bags.

Your Gear

Basically, the more dry bags you have, the easier it’ll be to organize  your stuff. You can have one dry bag for toiletries, one for clothing,  another for sleeping gear, etc.

Your Trip

– Will you mostly be paddling on calm, flat waterways? – Planning to hit some rapids? – How likely is all your stuff to end up in the water?

Dry bags come in a huge variety of sizes from 1-2 liters all the way  up to 65 liters and more. So which size dry bags do you need?

Swipe up for the full guide!