Diastasis Recti Repair Surgery Pt: 3

My Diastasis Recti 1 week after surgery

The Drainage Tubes Are Out/First Time With No Binder! One of the things you have to upkeep yourself after the diastasis recti repair surgery is emptying out your drains; they are grenade shaped fluid holders that collect all the blood/fluids from where you were cut. It gets less and less as time goes on, and if it is minimal by your first follow up, they will be removed. If further fluid builds up, my surgeon said he will use a local anesthetic and just syringe it out. Be prepared…  it … Read more

Diastasis Recti Surgery: Pt2

Days 2-4 of Recovery from Diastasis Recti Surgery I am on days 2-4 of my diastasis recti surgery recovery; check out my previous post for my before pictures, and some good info to know before you decide to jump in! I am weaning myself down to one percocet. Normal Bowel Movement is definitely a concern, so be sure to pick up some colace and Miralax. Don’t resort to using your kiddos suppository, it’s not super comfortable…(Not that I have any experience with that… ahem)  My pain is not so bad, … Read more

Diastasis Recti Repair Surgery: Pt1

My Diastasis Recti Repair Surgery (Abdominoplasty) Pt 1 If you want to jump to the Diastasis Recti surgery quick info/before pics part though, keep scrolling; it’s the bullet list at the bottom! If you want more information about what Diastasis Recti is, and how to diagnose it, scroll down for a great post about it! My “Still look pregnant tummy” story… As I may have mentioned elsewhere, I have a son and two twins girls. I love them to death, but noticed after my son I still had a pooch, … Read more