Cute Fingerprint Hearts Flower Printable Gift for Mom or Grandma

fingerprint flower template for mom or grandma

If you’re looking for something last minute for Mother’s Day, then you’ll love this cute and FREE gift you can whip up! It has a sweet quote (“I couldn’t WISH for a better mom!”) and is easy to personalize with your kiddos cute little finger stamping! In fact, you don’t even need an actual stamp pad – we were able to get away with just coloring fingertips! Anyways, here we go! How to make a sweet gift for Mother’s Day (or birthdays!) Download your free fingerprint wish flower template! As … Read more

“I’d Pick You!” Cute Printable Nature Craft for Mom or Grandma! [FREE Printable Templates]

If you’re looking for a cute, easy craft with a personal touch for mom or grandma, you’ll love this printable – it’s perfect for things like Mother’s Day! The simplicity of this craft is part of what makes it so pretty – I did choose to add minimal decor (some burlap and color pop) for my example, but that’s largely up to you/your kiddo! Here we go! How to make this nature based Mother’s Day or Grandparents Day Craft As always, this is just how we did the craft – … Read more

Pretty Printable Mother’s Day Nature Craft from the Kids [FREE PDF Templates!]

If you are looking for a fun idea for the nature loving mother or grandmother in your life, then check out my set of nature based Mother’s Day craft printables! These are all super easy and can be as simple or detailed as the kiddo likes – I included a super light design in the back so that it’s easy to follow the pattern! Fun ideas for a Mother’s Day Card from the kids (made with nature items!) If you’re somewhere that tends to be bare during spring (here in … Read more

3 Easy Steps to Deal with a Toddler That Hits (Without Hitting Back or Timeout!)

how to help a toddler stop hitting when mad or for fun

At some point, your toddler is likely going to hit, and it doesn’t matter how “gentle” you’ve raised them, or how little the reason seemed for doing so – but here’s the thing, you have to handle it calmly while remaining firm! If you’re new to parenting, you might think you need to “teach them a lesson” by hitting them back. It’s sort of the societal norm, and even I did it. Then I realized something, after my toddler kept hitting, and obviously that method wasn’t working – why in … Read more

5 Things to Know That Make Toddlers So Much Easier to Handle!

These 5 essential toddler parenting tips and tricks will make life with your little one so much easier!

Guys, if you are anywhere close to toddlerhood, then you have likely been warned 100 times over about “the terrible twos” or “threenager threes”… I know I was. It makes you freak out about losing your sweet, innocent baby and, apparantly, watching them morph into a terror.. or at least according to other people. But here’s the thing – that DOESN’T have to happen to you! It’s all about having the knowledge and the understanding about what your toddler is going through… and none of it is terrible! I’m not … Read more

7 Stress Saving Items I Regret Not Adding To the Registry for My First Baby!

first time mom tips for buying baby products

With my twin baby girls approaching toddler hood, I’m really starting to see the differences that everyone talks about in the experience of the first baby compared to the 2nd – and it’s SO true! With my first, I was all about eating everything healthy – with my second and third now? Pass the cheez its!! First baby falls – rush to their side, hugs and kisses, the whole nine yards. Today when my twins both ate it at toddler gym? Meh, they seem fine. They’ll find me if they … Read more

When Baby Cries With Dad: 11 Loving Ways to Help Dad Bond with Baby!

If you’re reading this, the situation probably sounds pretty familiar – the baby needs help, so dad goes to pick her up, and she instantly starts crying! Alot of times, that can be pretty disheartening for dad… I know my husband sometimes got bummed that it seemed our babies only wanted me! However, you’ll be relieve to now that it’s actually pretty common, and even more relieve to know that this is just a phase! I can’t count how many times hubby jumped up to help one of our babies, … Read more

The Terrible Twos and Threes, and the One Phrase You Need to Survive It!

tips to deal with the terrible twos and threes tantrums

“The terrible twos and threes” is something you’ve probably been warned about over and over.. but how do you deal with the terrible three symptoms, and how do you discipline the terrible twos without spanking or timeouts? I had PLENTY of warning, and even more questions – then I saw it for myself! The insistance to do everything on their own, to freak out over seemingly meaningless things, to fight almost every decision and save the most EPIC meltdowns for when you’re out and about.. But what if I were to … Read more

3 Year Old Tantrums, and How to Handle Them Like a Pro with Gentle Parenting (So you don’t feel guilty later!)

If you're a new parent, you might wonder how in the world to handle those tantrums that seem to happen for no rhyme or reason. It turns out there IS a reason, and you can handle them through gentle parenting!

With the New Year on the way, I can’t help but think of resolutions, as most people do, however they tend to be a little different now as a parent! Now, I’m not saying those aren’t awesome resolutions still (they are!) but I feel like when you are in the “trenches” of parenthood, sometimes you just gotta worry about getting through the day…. or to the next nap! With that being said, my only resolution this year is to be a more patient mom. I absolutley lose my mind when … Read more

17 Pieces of First Time Mom Advice that We All Wish Someone Would Have Told Us!

check out all the first time mom advice you wish you had known before actually becoming a mom!

We always think we have read every book, attended all the right classes, and that there could not possibly be anymore first time mom advice we need… but SURPRISE! There’s a ton of not so glamorous (but so worth it) stuff that happens after birth! I mean, you probably have hard a little of what to expect before and during labor (those pregnancy books and OB appointments are pretty good for that!). But… what happens after your baby is on your chest? What happens once you get home, and all … Read more