27 Must Haves for your Camper on a Budget!

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So you took the dive, and you bought a camper! But now you need to stock it, and everything really adds up – how can you save money and do it as thrifty as possible? Thrift stores! My favorite thing ever is finding deals at thrift stores, and I wanted to go over some things that are just better to buy used than to spend money on. When we were deciding what camper we wanted, we were really torn in between buying an older one and renovating it, or buying … Read more

7 Steps to Teaching Your Baby to Love the Outdoors (so that you can get back out too!)

If you loved hiking or camping before baby, it’s so important to teach your baby to love it too so that you can get back outdoors! You’ve probably heard the saying “Start them young” in regards to all kinds of stuff – and I think when it comes to creating an outdoor loving kid, it definitely applies! All of my kids have been carried in a soft carrier from the time they were born, and then as soon as possible, moved to a hard frame style pack. They’ve gone on … Read more

11 Most Awesome Pieces of Baby Camping Gear

how to keep babies safe while camping and entertained

Taking a baby camping can be a great experience with some essential, must have camping gear! I have three kids under three, and all of them have been camping before they were 2 months old. In fact, my preemie twins went camping when they were on supplemental oxygen! We car camped with our one year old, and now are using a camper to camp with our 7 month olds! Taking an infant camping is a great way to focus on what’s important; each other! To have a great experience, it’s all … Read more

5 Things to Avoid for a FUN Kid Friendly Campground!


Find a perfect campsite for your kids by avoiding these five things! Camping with a baby or toddlers who are into EVERYTHING can be very intimidating – keeping them safe, warm, clean, and so many other concerns arise! What if your baby just keeps trying to eat rocks the whole time? Are there snakes in the area? What if they eat something poisonous! Well don’t worry – almost all of these problems can be solved by just picking the right campsite! Don’t forget to check out my how to camping … Read more