Fun + Engaging Printable Hiking Journal for Kids [FREE printable hike logs!]

If you love hiking with your kids and are looking to remember them forever (as well as get some handwriting and observing skills) then check out this cute DIY printable hiking journal for kids!

Something I looooove about making my own binders for our adventrues is that I can modify it have as little or as many pages I need – so if your kiddo loves sketching or picture taking, print off a few extra of those! Or if you guys goes on ALOT of hikes, print more hiking log pages!

Let me show you everything that’s in my printable hiking journal for kids and how it can really help get even more out of each hike with your kids!

I will give you guys the most important part, the hiking log entry section, for free down at the bottom once you sign up for my email list. If you’d like the whole thing, check it out here at my printable store!

Hiking Journal Personaliztation

To really make the printable hiking journal feel special, I started off by including a fun quiz with hiking questions for them to answer!

This two page intro to the journal includes these fun prompts

  • When I hike, I love to see
  • My favorite animals I’ve ever seen while hiking are
  • Here are some animals I’d love to see
  • My favorite hikes I’ve done are
  • The things I’m most proud of myself for are
  • Hikes I would love to do one day
hiking quiz printable for kids

Favorite memories (for pictures or sketches!)

My kiddo is still a little young, so for now we just use our sprocket (it’s small, portable, and no power needed!) to print out extra pictures after a hike.

If your kid is old enough, they could also use this section to draw some of their favorite memories made while hiking!

favorite hiking memories template printable

Where I’ve Hiked (hiking log)

Your child can log each hike in this section – name, date and page # that corresponds to where each hike is written about. This is a fun way to see all the hikes done at a glance.

hiking log for kids

My Hike (all the details about the hike!)

This is the meat and potatoes of this kids hiking journal – with fun prompts and an engaging design, kids will be encouraged to remember the details of their trip through sketches, pictures and notes!

The prompts for the kids hiking journal log pages include :

  • Name, location, distance hiked and weather
  • Who I hiked with
  • How hard it was
  • My rating (your child can color in 1-5 stars!)
  • Favorite thing I saw
  • Most awesome thing I did
  • Notes and pictures

Favorite Things I’ve Seen

Print as many pages as your kiddo needs to draw interesting things seen while hiking. There is a frame for each sketch as well as a line below it to write down what it was and when it was seen.

printable sketch log for kids

Hiking Games (meant to be played on the trail!)

So we all know about I Spy – I think my kids favorites are something blue (the sky) and green (a tree) so needless to say, it’s very nice to try some new games!

I included the following four hiking games with instructions (because who has time to google the rules while you’re on the trail!)

  • Lava
  • Find 5
  • Rainbow
  • Alphabet Game
hiking games printable
hiking games printable

Fun Outdoor Scavenger Hunts!

Scavenger hunts are always a good way to distract from achey legs and tiredness, so I made sure to include four different types!

  • Visual scavenger hunt (with blanks to include some area specific items!)
  • Senses Nature Hunt
  • ABC Diy Hunt (fill in the blank style… better for older kids for sure!)
  • ABC Nature Scavenger Hunt
hiking scavenger hunt printable

Notes and Pictures Pages

You can never have too many of these, especially if your kiddo is artsy! Print as many (or as little.. not all kids are artsy!) as you need to put at the end of your kids hiking journal binder.

Check it out in my store and create your kiddos perfect hiking journal now!

Head to my store here or click on the picture to purchase the entire 25 page binder of kids hiking journal templates so that you can print what you want and get it just right!

Not ready yet? I get it! Let me at least give you the hiking log entry pages!

I love giving kids (and parents!) a little direction when it comes to going outside – I honestly kind of hate having no plan, and having prompts like what’s on the log entry pages helps both of us stay engaged!

Sign up below for access to my resource library to download the two hike log entry pages for free!

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    Ready to hike and make some awesome memories?

    Yay! I hope these kids hiking journal templates help in your Nature School, field trip or home school curriculum!

    Here are some more outdoor kids articles that might be helpful to you!