Want an alternative to expensive fuel canister stoves? Then the Solo Stove Titan portable wood stove should be one of your top options.
In this review article I’ll share what I’ve learned about the Solo Stove Titan from personal experience so I can help you decide if it’s the right portable stove for you. You might be surprised what the little Titan is capable of…I know I was IMPRESSED!
So here’s what I’ll go over in this 5-minute read:
- What’s all the hype with the Solo Stoves anyway?
- Solo Stove Titan pros and cons
- How easy is it to use the Titan for something like boiling water?
- Is the Titan small enough to work as a backpacking stove?
- And a bunch of other questions!
Let’s get started!

As an affiliate for Solo Stove, I will earn a commission should you purchase through one of my links. However, rest assured that it adds no extra cost and I try my best to provide accurate reviews, pros AND cons, to help you make the best choice!
Table of Contents
So What’s the Big Deal With the Solo Stove Titan?
The Solo Stove Titan is the middle child in the Solo Stove Camp Stove family. The Titan sits right in between the smaller Lite and the larger Campfire. (Check out my Solo Stove Lite Review!)
All three are lightweight, portable wood-burning camp stoves. They have a two-part design with a base where you build the fire and a cooking ring that holds a pot while also directing the flame underneath for maximum heating power.
Maybe you’re thinking…“Big deal. Why don’t I just build a regular fire? Why do I need a glorified metal cup to hold my pot and a mini fire?”
Well…it’s not just a glorified metal cup!
Just like the other Solo Stoves, the Titan is a special type of wood burner called a gasification (or gasifier) stove.
Say what?
A gasifier stove is an ultra-efficient, hot-burning wood stove.
Normal wood fires combine air and fuel to create a primary burn which creates heat, flames, and a bunch of smoke.
Gasifier stoves, like the Solo Stove Titan, burn in two places. It sucks air up from the bottom to feed the fire and the primary combustion. But it also directs heated air out through the other holes at the top of the stove. That creates a secondary combustion area that burns the wood gas (smoke).
Make sense? Basically, the Solo Stoves burn two things — the solid biomass (sticks, twigs, pinecones, etc.) PLUS the gas produced by the initial combustion.
That design makes the Titan hot and efficient. Once it gets going, you’ll notice very little smoke. And once the cooking ring is on, the flames that come out through the top look kinda like those from a normal gas stove as they get directed right at the bottom of the pot.
Pretty cool right! But what does that mean for you when you’re in the woods, hungry, and wanna cook some grub?
In comparison with a regular campfire or normal wood-burning stove you get…
- A hotter fire for faster cooking
- Efficient burning so you need less fuel (a few handfuls of twigs can cook your dinner)
- A self-contained fire that doesn’t scorch the ground
- Very little smoke (say NO! to tears while camping)
So the Titan looks pretty good on paper right?!
But does it really work that way?
Find out more below. But first, let’s take a quick look at the Titan’s features and how it compares to other normal backpacking stoves.
Want a bigger version that the whole family can enjoy (and even use as a grill!)? Check out my Solo Stove Bonfire review to see if it’s really worth the $$$.
Solo Stove TITAN Features
Ok, so let’s get down to the nitty-gritty — size, weight, cooking speed, and all the other dirty details.
Weight: The Solo Stove Titan weighs 16.5 oz.
For Comparison: The baby brother Solo Stove Lite weighs in at 9 oz. The tiny MSR PocketRocket with the normal size MSR Isopro fuel canister weighs 15.7 oz. The MSR WhisperLite liquid fuel stove with a 20oz fuel bottle (empty) weighs 16.75 oz.
So the Solo Stove Titan’s weight is not an issue when backpacking. It’s probably not the first choice for ultra-light hikers, but it is lighter than most liquid fuel stoves with their fuel bottles and fuel.
Size: The Solo Stove Titan is 5.1 inches across and 7.9 inches high (including the cooking ring).
Take off the cooking ring and you knock about 2 inches off its height. When it’s time to pack it up, just flip the cooking ring upside down and it fits nicely right inside the stove.
For Comparison: The Lite is a tad smaller (as you can see in the picture…Lite is on the far left, Titan is in the middle). The Lite is designed for 1-2 people and the Titan for 2-4.
The Titan is a bit larger than most other lightweight backpacking stoves. For example, the largest MSR IsoPro fuel canister is 4.4 inches across and 6 inches high. Add the actual stove part and it’ll take up almost the same amount of space as the Titan.
But the Titan does have a trick up its sleeve.
Trick #1 – You can pack the stove full of gear. The inside of the stove is a great place for your fire-starting kit or food items.
Trick #2 – Get the Solo Pot 1800 (or another pot of the same size) and the Titan fits perfectly inside it so your cooking pot doesn’t take up any extra room in your pack.
Construction: The Titan is a durable little stove made out of stainless steel and a nichrome wire grate. The grate keeps the burning fuel up off the bottom so there’s space for ash to fall without blocking the airflow.
When you first take the Titan (or any of the Solo Stoves) out of the bag, you’ll probably be thinking “Ooooh, look how shiny it is!”
It won’t stay that shiny forever. Once you start using it, the stainless steel starts to get a brown patina. But I think it adds character.
Cooking Speed: The Solo Stove Titan definitely isn’t going to break any speed records. It can boil 1 quart (or about 1 liter, for you metric lovers) in roughly 8 minutes. If you’re a part-time pyromaniac fire-building expert with really dry fuel then you can probably get that down to about 5 minutes.
The MSR PocketRocket is a good bit faster with a 1-liter boiling time of just 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
The other thing that you should keep in mind is the prep work. A gas canister stove like the PocketRocket can be pulled out of your pack and lit in just a few seconds.
But with the Titan, you also have to figure in a few extra minutes for gathering fuel and starting the fire.
Check out more specs on the official Solo Stove Titan page.
Let’s move on to my real-world results and review.
My Solo Stove Titan Review
We got past all the boring specs, now let’s get to what you really want to know…
How does it really work in real life? Is it worth buying?
In my opinion, the Solo Stove Titan is definitely worth it…for some people, but not for everyone.
Here’s my experience with it.

How the Solo Stove Titan Did Boiling Water
The first time I tried to boil water in the Titan, I learned some valuable lessons.
Lesson #1 – You need the right size pot.
I was using my stainless steel Stanley Adventure french press to boil water. It’s the same one I used in my Lite review to boil water in less than 10 minutes.
It’s the perfect size for the Lite, NOT for the Titan.
The Stanley pot just barely fit on the Titan cooking ring…and I mean barely. (See pic)
Not only did that make for a very stressful water boiling experience, but it also seemed to let a lot of the heat escape around the bottom of the pot.
Compare that with how the Solo Pot 1800 fits on top (which was used the second time we boiled water).
So if you want optimum results and boiling water in less than 10 minutes, make sure your pot has a diameter of at least 5 ½ inches (the diameter of the Pot 1800).
Lesson #2 – Dry wood and firestarters make your life soooooo much easier.
When I did my first test with the Titan I wanted a challenge…get this baby going with only what I can find in nature.
However in my excitement, I neglected to notice that at that particular place and time, nature was cold and wet. Most of the fuel was damp so it took it longer to get going, and the fire itself wasn’t as hot.
As a result — and combined with the fact that my pot was too narrow — it took longer for the water to boil the first time…about 15 minutes.
The second time though, with better fuel and the right pot, water was boiling in under 10 minutes!
A simple fire-starter nugget makes starting the Solo Stoves suuuuper easy. That’s why I now keep one inside my Solo Stove so it’s packed and ready to go. And dry fuel that lights easily speeds up the cooking process even more.
Lesson #3 – The Titan’s reliability depends on you and your fuel.
Whether your food cooks in a few minutes or takes a frustrating 15-20 will depend a lot on how good you are at starting and maintaining fires as well as the fuel you have on hand.
If you’re ok with that, then the Titan or any of the Solo Camp Stoves would be a good choice for you.
How Much Fuel Did the Titan Use?
Not a lot, it’s a really efficient little stove. To boil a quart of water you’ll need about 2-3 handfuls of dry twigs.
This is one of the things I really like about the Solo Stove Camp Stoves. If you want to cook with wood, you don’t have to worry about gathering up an armful of huge logs for your fire. Just a few dead sticks will do it.
And since they burn so efficiently, there’s very little left behind. That makes it really nice for Leave No Trace camping. Your fires don’t leave half-charred logs or scorched ground.
Is It Easy to Keep Going?
Yes, as long as you don’t leave it unattended. The Titan portable wood stove is not a camp stove that you can light and leave for 20 minutes.
It does require regular feeding with fuel.
In my experience, the best thing to do is always feed it while it’s still flaming. That way you’ll have steady heat for cooking. Plus, when it’s flaming, new pieces catch easily and don’t create a lot of smoke.
So always be sure to prepare your fuel before you light the stove. Gathering more fuel will be one less thing you’ll have to do while feeding the stove and cooking at the same time.
Based On My Experience, Who Is the Titan For?
So let’s tally up the results of my review and experience with the Titan portable wood stove.
What are the PROS and CONS?
Is the Titan for YOU?
My Solo Stove Titan Pros and Cons
Here are some things I like and some I don’t like about the Solo Stove Titan.
Solo Stove Titan Pros
- No need to carry fuel canisters
- Eco-friendly
- Very little smoke once it gets going
- Well-built and durable
- Simple design doesn’t require any maintenance
- Good choice for leave no trace travel
- Cooks reasonably fast when you use it properly
- Use it for international travel
- If you won’t have access to dry fuel, you can also use it with the Solo Stove Alcohol Burner
Solo Stove Titan Cons
- Has a bit more bulk than other lightweight stoves
- Not as fast as gas canister stoves
- Does have somewhat of a learning curve
- Needs regular attention while it’s burning
- Leaves black soot on your cookware (but that’s the case anytime you cook over a wood fire)
- Can’t use it in fire bans
So Who Is the Solo Stove Titan For?
The Solo Stove Titan is for you if…
- You have some experience starting and maintaining campfires
- You don’t mind waiting a few extra minutes for your food to cook
- You don’t want to hassle with liquid fuel or gas canisters
- You like to feel like part of nature when you’re camping
The Solo Stove Titan is NOT for you if…
- Convenience is your top priority
- You want a stove that cooks your food the exact same way every time
- Your ideal camp stove is one that you can just light and not have to think about
- You’re counting how much gear you’re carrying down to the last gram
Think it might be for you? Get your Solo Stove Titan here.
Which Should I Get – The Titan or the Lite?
This is a really popular question…which is the right size for me — the tiny Lite or the mid-size Titan?
I have used both, so here’s my (semi) expert opinion…
The Lite is tiny. I mean like really small. But it’s still surprisingly capable. (Check out my Solo Stove Lite Review if you haven’t already and see it fry an egg in a cast-iron skillet!)
In my opinion, if you…
- Plan simple meals that just require heating some water
- Travel by yourself (or with a friend who doesn’t eat a lot)
- Need something small for day trips
- Are on long, thru-hikes
- Need to pack as little as possible
…then the Lite is the best bang for your buck. It’s one of the smallest backpacking stoves, it uses very little fuel, and it’s still surprisingly fast.
Check the Solo Stove Lite price.
But if you…
- Need to cook for 2 or more people
- Don’t mind a little extra bulk in your pack
- Want to cook as fast as possible
- Want more flexibility with what you cook
…then go with the Titan. It’ll handle larger pots and skillets better than the Lite. Plus, with the extra size, it’ll cook a bit faster too.
Check the Solo Stove Titan price.
The Top Solo Stove Titan Accessories
Solo Stove makes some really nice accessories that make your Titan even more useful.
Solo Stove Pot 1800
The Solo Stove Titan fits perfectly inside the Solo Stove Pot 1800. Why 1800? ‘Cause it’s got a 1800ml capacity (61 fl. oz.)
Since these pots will get black soot on the bottoms, it’s nice that they come with a carrying pouch so you don’t have to worry about it getting the rest of your gear dirty.
Insider Tip! – The Titan stove also comes with a carrying pouch and there’s enough space in the Pot 1800 for the stove to fit inside while in its own pouch. That keeps the stove from getting the inside of your pot dirty while traveling.
Another Insider Tip!😋 – Heat up and wash the pot once before using it to boil water you’ll actually use. (That’s good practice with most metal cookware.) If you don’t, you’ll get a yucky metallic taste that ruins the first pot of coffee you make with it…or so I’ve heard🤪.
Get the Solo Stove Pot 1800.
Solo Stove Alcohol Burner
Since finding dry fuel can be tough in a wet climate, it’s nice to have a backup option. With the screw-top cap you can store fuel inside it, so it’s ready as a backup when needed. Light it up, put it in your Solo Stove, and you’re ready to cook!
Insider Tip! – You can also use wood pellets but you’ll have to add an extra grate with smaller holes. Get a disposable grill topper and cut out a circle that fits in the bottom of the Titan. Then put a few handfuls of wood pellets in a ziploc bag and throw it in your pack. Now you’ve got dry fuel when you need it!
Get the Solo Stove Alcohol Burner.
Solo Stove Windscreen
The cooking ring on the Titan does work as a windscreen. But if you’re expecting a lot of wind, this folding windscreen will help protect the flame even more. Made from lightweight aluminum, it only adds 7.4oz to your pack. Plus it folds up and fits in an included carrying bag for easy packing.
Get your Solo Stove Windscreen.
Solo Stove Titan Gear Kit
Get this stove + accessory bundle so you’re fully outfitted for camp cooking with the Titan. It comes with the stove, the pot, the windscreen, and a tripod. (The tripod is nice for regulating the heat when you want to simmer some stew without it burning!)
Get your Solo Stove Titan Gear Kit
Still Got Some Questions About the Solo Stove Titan?
Here are some answers.
*Wondering about something else that I don’t discuss here? Ask me in the comments and I’ll get you the answer!
How well does it work in cold weather?
About as good as any campfire. And actually, this is another benefit of the Titan portable wood stove over normal gas canister stoves.
Most gas stoves don’t work well in really cold weather because of the way the freezing temps affect the internal canister pressure and a bunch of other scientific reasons I don’t really understand.
The point is…if you’re camping in freezing weather, the Titan will have no problem cooking your food.
How many people can the Titan cook for?
Comfortably…for two people. It’s big enough to quickly cook a generous 2-person 1-pot meal.
Here’s why I say that…
The pot that’s designed specifically to work with the Titan — the Pot 1800 — has almost a 2-quart capacity. That’s a hearty amount of stew for two hungry hikers.
But if you’re OK with longer cook times, then you definitely could use a larger pot when cooking for 3-4 people.
What’s the best fuel to use with the Titan?
The best fuel is anything that burns hot and fast. Look for small sticks and twigs — they should be about the diameter of your thumb or smaller. You can also use pinecones, leaves, pellets, or even spare $100 bills you have lying around 😲.
Final Thoughts on the Solo Stove Titan
The Solo Stove Titan really is a great little portable wood stove. It’s compact, lightweight, efficient, and hot. If you’re a patient hiker who likes to stop and smell the roses while they connect with nature, you’ll love using the Titan on your backpacking trips.
And you just can’t beat cooking over a real fire — there’s just something so primal about it that adds to the whole camping experience.
Wanna try a bigger version the whole family can enjoy? Check out my Solo Stove Bonfire Review!
And don’t miss my other Solo Stove review articles:
- Solo Stove Lite Review | Best Wood-Burning Backpacking Stove?
- Solo Stove Campfire Review (COMING SOON!)
- Solo Stove Lite vs Titan vs Campfire Comparison (COMING SOON!)
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Does it put off enough heat to warm 2 people? I am wondering if I can use it for heat on cold mornings when I don’t want to take the time to build a full wood fire